A City for Foodies

I have lived in Portland, Maine for over fifteen years now and the thing that always amazes me is the diversity of fabulous restaurants that this small city offers.It seems that when young, inspired chefs leave well known New York, Boston and Philadelphia restaurants they flock to Maine to show off the skills they have learned in their big city jobs. Life is simpler here and these young entrepreneurs thrive in our environment.

Recently Bon Appetit magazine recognized this culinary brilliance by naming Portland America’s Best small city for Foodies. Quite an accomplishment for our fair city.


But what does that have to do with boats you ask? Well, pleasure can be found in many ways and in many places, so when you decide to come to visit our yards in Rockland and in Raymond, take your time, spend a few days in Portland and really get the most out of your visit.

Bon appettit !

A City for Foodies
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